Tell us a little about your self and the genre you write.

I do too… such a bore writing the same genre day in and day out.
Tell me, Rachel, what do you love about being a writer?
Everything! I love the creating, getting those initial words on the page. Especially when it’s flowing and I’m the characters’ narrator and just writing what they tell me to write. I am also one of those annoying writers who relishes editing. Nothing better than having words already written and the opportunity to make them better.
You had me until the editing thing. I try to edit as I go to minimize the pain of edits.
What do you hate about being a writer?
If I had to choose, I would say the initial plotting. Come up against problems that take time to figure out. My solutions tend to come to me when I am lounging in the bath with a nice glass of wine. No hardship ;)
Now you’re talking my language. A glass of wine ets the words flowing.
If there was one thing about the industry you could change, what would it be?
*shakes head* I hear ya.
What do you like better, Twitter or Facebook? Why?
I have my Twitter account linked to my Facebook so there isn’t any difference to me. Any comment I make on Twitter (which is a lot!), automatically posts on my Facebook.
As far as I’m concerned Twitter is a great innovation that has not only re-connected lost family and friends but serves as a great promotion and social tool.
Twitter is the bomb, and facebook the mini blog.
And the most important question ever... Do you roll your toilet paper over the roll or under the roll?
Under, lol! I’ve never been asked that before. Can you tell me the significance? Does that indicate my mental stability? : )
I recently posted this question on a guest blog and had so many interesting answers I thought it needed to be a trademark question on my blog. And lets face it… it’s a funny-ass question.
Okay onto the details on your latest release and where we can find it.
Payingthe Piper is my latest release, available to buy now from Lyrical Press. It is a contemporary romance set against the backdrop of UK nightclubs and pubs. I loved writing this book! Here’s the blurb:
Nightclub manager Grace Butler is on a mission to buy the pub where her mother's ashes are scattered but the owner wants to sell to anyone but her. And that owner happens to be her father...who has a secret she will do anything to discover.

Their lives couldn't be more different, yet one thread binds them: they're both trying to escape the bonds of their fathers. Maybe the only way they'll be free is by being together, instead of alone.
I'm all about twitter and facebook, so can you be sure and add your handles and links here....
1 comment:
Howdy, ladies! Fun interview. Personally, I prefer my tp over, thank you very much. :) I also like Twitter because of the relative immediacy of the interaction. Things get lost in Facebookland.
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