Every step for a writer is huge. Finishing a book is the first in my opinion. However, finishing a book is the beginning. When I started this journey to publication I started with finishing a book and went head first into the 'Find an Agent' quest. After six months I started sending queries to publishers and before long found myself contracted and knee deep in revisions and edits.
Now I'm back at the step I started before. Looking for an agent. I've learned so very much in the past year and hope that knowledge and tenacity pays off. I've sent off plenty of queries to agents over the last month. I've had my share of rejections too... but I've also had a shiny light as well.
I've sent off a requested partial to a wonderful agent with hopes of wowing her. Thanks to my CP's and continual support of writing friends and readers I'll keep on this journey in hopes of getting my books into more readers hands.
Have a safe and happy halloween everyone.
I hope you find the agent of your dreams!
Best of luck -- I hope she loves it!
Great news, Catherine...good luck and Happy Halloween!
Thanks, Mary, Helen and Cari. I do hope something comes of it. Something good. LOL
Thanks, Mary, Helen and Cari. I do hope something comes of it. Something good. LOL
Catherine-- as you know, I so hope the agent sees this the way I do. That story is ready! And so are you.
Good luck...
I hope you're right, Kaye.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so sorry I've fallen behind in all your news but I'm caught up now and so happy for you.
I hope she LOVES it!
Good luck! You work hard and you're very talented; you deserve it.
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