Yesterday I was browsing the isles of Barnes and Noble… okay, make that browsing the romance isle of B & N and I noticed a woman kneeling in front of Lisa Kleypas shelf… Yes, the woman has her own shelf. Anyway, said woman had a list in her hand and she was removing five books from Ms. Kleypas’s shelf and smiling.
I, in all my shyness, said to her… “I see you’re a Lisa Kleypas fan.”
She glanced up at me and said, “I just discovered her.”
I went on to say I enjoy her books and continued to browse the new releases.
I want that!
I want to be the author who someone takes the time to look up, write a list of all my books and then walks into a bookstore and then takes a handful to the register.
Am I asking for too much?
I didn’t say I wanted to be famous. Or rich doing this… Not that I would say no to either.
Oh, what book did I buy? Kate Pearce’s next installment of her ‘Simply’ series. Simply Wicked… Which I gobbled up in one day.
And I noticed two other things at B&N…
One, what a pathetic lack of romance on the shelves. Some of my favorite authors weren’t there. *blah.
Two, I glanced at the adds for the new Nook… the e-reader that is coming next month. Looks promising.
Lisa Kleypas is the only author whom I can honestly say I have every single on of her titles. Some I even have two of because I've read them so many times the old ones began to fall apart.
LK may not be the spiciest of writers, but, IMO, her voice is so original. Her heroes and heroine's emotions are so easy to connect with. She totally rocks.
But...it took a looooong time for LK to get to this level.
It wasn't until this year that I started to read LK. She does have a very original voice and I agree with you about connecting with her characters. *sigh... one day.
Yes, Catherine- one day-- great dream. I do the same thing and sigh.
Now I guess I need to go read some LK.
Oh, hon -- we all want that! Keep working and working, I guess. Lisa is my absolute favorite romance writer, and I love so many so that's saying something.
And I agree about the lack of romance on BN's shelves. Head over to Borders. They ahve a great selection!
Big dreamer, Kaye. LOL
Helen: I do like Borders better, but the one by us is hampered by bad parking.
I want it too, Catherine! Let's all get it together then we can all say we knew each other back when. :-) I love LK! Her books are so emotional.
Oh, I want that too!
I think we all do. Let's keep working hard and maybe... : )
Great post!
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