Today my special guest is debut author Delilah K. Stephans. Delilah is a fellow Red Rose Publishing author and on top of that her new novella, Sarah's Story is a time travel romance. My personal favorite genre.
Welcome Delilah, and please tell us about your book.
Sarah's Story is the first in a Time Travel series. Time Travel has always fascinated me and I ended up postulating my own theory of how it could be accomplished. This series takes that theory and puts it to work - putting researchers back in the past to observe events and get the truth of history. Sarah was sent back to observe the years prior to the American Civil War but she was never retrieved. Matthew is the top Retrieval Agent at the agency and has been sent back to locate her - even his bosses didn't expect him to find her.
I have to tell you... after reading the excerpt this hit my top 'need to be read' list.
How do you respond when someone says... "Oh, you write THAT kind of book.."
Haven't had that happen yet... But my answer would be - I write what I enjoy reading. My books aren't erotica, they are more sensual romances than erotic - I'm working on that. Romance novels have always had a bad reputation among the literary minded - but they are the guilty secret of millions of women and a few men.
What are your goals as a writer?
I have several goals.
1. To entertain the readers
2. To banish my shyness at writing sex scenes.
3. Increase my word count - I tend to be very compact in word use which keeps my word count low.
4. To increase the complexity of my stories - it's there but I'm not sure the reader sees it.
There are a few others - To join RWA, to attend the RWA conference and to attend the RT Convention
How many books do you read a month? Are they all romance?
I read about 30 books a month - yep I'm a book a day person. Most are paranormal romances with a few romantic suspense and historicals thrown in for variety but I do read some fiction particularly the Kathy Reichs Temperance Brennan novels and the occasional non-fiction - usually books on how to write.
Wow! That is a lot of books. Good for you!
Do you have anything new in the works?
I have several things in the works. A Vampire story that has been a 3 year project and is finally one fight and HEA away from being done.
A soft BDSM short, I say soft because it doesn't really fit a lot of what I've read of BDSM novels - think more along the lines of Diane Whiteside's Irish Devil just a bit more explicit
A Romantic Suspense is in the early planning stages - I've met the hero and heroine, know the where and what - still figuring out the whys and hows.
I also have a co-written book releasing November 2nd called Black Velvet from Lyrical Press which is about a race of Dragon shifters.
Where can we find you? Your book?
I'm pretty easy to find on the web... Website - Blog - Twitter
Welcome Delilah, and please tell us about your book.
Sarah's Story is the first in a Time Travel series. Time Travel has always fascinated me and I ended up postulating my own theory of how it could be accomplished. This series takes that theory and puts it to work - putting researchers back in the past to observe events and get the truth of history. Sarah was sent back to observe the years prior to the American Civil War but she was never retrieved. Matthew is the top Retrieval Agent at the agency and has been sent back to locate her - even his bosses didn't expect him to find her.
I have to tell you... after reading the excerpt this hit my top 'need to be read' list.
How do you respond when someone says... "Oh, you write THAT kind of book.."
Haven't had that happen yet... But my answer would be - I write what I enjoy reading. My books aren't erotica, they are more sensual romances than erotic - I'm working on that. Romance novels have always had a bad reputation among the literary minded - but they are the guilty secret of millions of women and a few men.
What are your goals as a writer?
I have several goals.
1. To entertain the readers
2. To banish my shyness at writing sex scenes.
3. Increase my word count - I tend to be very compact in word use which keeps my word count low.
4. To increase the complexity of my stories - it's there but I'm not sure the reader sees it.
There are a few others - To join RWA, to attend the RWA conference and to attend the RT Convention
How many books do you read a month? Are they all romance?
I read about 30 books a month - yep I'm a book a day person. Most are paranormal romances with a few romantic suspense and historicals thrown in for variety but I do read some fiction particularly the Kathy Reichs Temperance Brennan novels and the occasional non-fiction - usually books on how to write.
Wow! That is a lot of books. Good for you!
Do you have anything new in the works?
I have several things in the works. A Vampire story that has been a 3 year project and is finally one fight and HEA away from being done.
A soft BDSM short, I say soft because it doesn't really fit a lot of what I've read of BDSM novels - think more along the lines of Diane Whiteside's Irish Devil just a bit more explicit
A Romantic Suspense is in the early planning stages - I've met the hero and heroine, know the where and what - still figuring out the whys and hows.
I also have a co-written book releasing November 2nd called Black Velvet from Lyrical Press which is about a race of Dragon shifters.
Where can we find you? Your book?
I'm pretty easy to find on the web... Website - Blog - Twitter
To download your copy of Sarah's Story stop by Red Rose Publishing.
Trailers:DKRenders - http://dkrenders.blogspot.com/
Trailers:DKRenders - http://dkrenders.blogspot.com/
Thank you for the lovely introduction to your work. I personally can't wait to get my copy of Sarah's Story.
Wonderful interview, ladies. The trailer is gorgeous! "Sarah" sounds like my kind of tale. I've visited Gettysburg and Ford's Theater and several other Civil War era sites. A sad era but a great setting for a story. Can't wait to read yours, Delilah. Good luck with the release!
I love Time travel with a scientific flair too. It's hard for me to get into a story with no real reason for the TT event horizon. I suppose it's my sci-fi background! Anyway, this sounds like a wonderful story and I will check it out. Thanks girls.
Sarah's Story is awesome. You guys have to read it!
Thanks for stoppin' in everyone. This does sound like a book I would completely enjoy. I'll be picking up my copy today.
The book sounds really good. Will talk nicely to hubby when he gets paid at the end of the month :)
Sarah's Story sounds like a great read. Love the trailer too!
Hi Catherine and Delilah!
Great interview. I will be getting my copy of Sarah's story today. I haven't read a good Antebellum/Civil War story in years, so I am excited to read this!
Thanks for saying hi everyone! I'm looking forwad to a long friendship with Catherine and getting to know all of you better.
I do hope all of you enjoy Sarah's Story.
Oh, this does sound like a fun read. The best of luck!
This is definitely a TBR book for me. I love the rotating clock in the video that reminds me of the Star Gate. My only complaint is that the red lettering is difficult to read for some of us grannies. ;-)
Best of luck, Delilah, and congratulations on your release today! And thanks to Catherine, as well.
Ahhh... yeah, Sarah's Story hit the top ten best seller list at Red Rose Publishing at 5:40 PM...
Congrats, Delilah!
OMG... Delilah, Kathleen Woodwiss's Shanna is one of my all time favorite stories... Okay back to your book.
Great trailer! I can't wait to check this one out!
Fiona Vance
Catherine...Mine too!
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