Welcome Rachel and thank you for chatting on my side of cyber space. Now as you know my questions for interviews are a bit different than others so lets jump right in.
How many books do you read a month? Are they all romance?
Anyone that visits my MySpace page will see that I describe myself as a voracious reader. I usually read 7-8 books a month depending on how busy my work schedule is and if I am in a serious spurt of writing. While romance is my favorite genre, I also enjoy reading about astrology, biographies and history.
Catherine: Good to know, Rachel. I'll ask you questions when I'm doing my own research. LOL
What are your goals as a writer?
Of course, it is to see my name on book store shelves among the authors that I have admired for a very long time. But more so than just that, it is to write books filled with real characters that capture readers. When I was freelancing for a small local newspaper, the first time I saw my name in a by-line, I was thrilled! I had three articles come out in that edition and I was 'over the moon' happy! What I loved after that was hearing from people who had read those articles and having them tell me "Your stuff makes the paper something I want to read!" So my goal is definitely connecting with readers.
Catherine: Wow! Good for you.
How do you respond when someone says... "Oh, you write THAT kind of book."
I smile and say "Yes! I have always aspired to have my art imitate my life" (*grin*) OK, well this would be the IDEAL answer to shut the critics up. In reality, I smile and say
"Yes, after years of being a reader, I decided to give it a shot." I haven't run across too many who have said this.
Catherine: Give it time, sister... give it time.
Tell us about your new book out now:
LITHA DREAMS is a story about soulmates being brought together by a common dream. Morgan Mackenzie is being pressured into a marriage by her highstrung and overbearing mother. Rowan Buchanan is also looking for a wife. Both have been dreaming of a 'mystery lover'. There are some colorful secondary characters that all do their part in solving the mystery of the dream.
I had so much fun writing this story and used a lot of my 'people watching' skills to use when writing the characters.I am naturally very excited about this release, as it is my first. I have gotten a good response from a reviewer and really look forward to getting feedback from the readers!
Catherine: I love to people watch too. Makes that cup of coffee at Starbucks worth the while.
Do you have anything new in the works?
I am currently at work on a HUGE project that took on a life of its own. What started out as a single title, has now become a series in the making. It is a military/adventure/romance series that I have been doing extensive research on. I don't anticipate the first book being completed for a year or so. I have thoroughly fallen in love with my hero, even with all of his faults.
I am also working on a sequel to LITHA DREAMS tentatively titled YULETIDE BRIDES which will keep the comedic and dysfunctional Mackenzies in a new adventure and a Valentine's Day novella about a busy career woman who falls in love with one of her male friends and doesn't realize it until he has a girlfriend.
Catherine: I love that hook.
Where can we find you? Your book?
I invite all reading this to friend me on MySpace www.myspace.com/tinkiepotter and subscribe to my blogs or at Facebook using my name Rachel E. Moniz.I have a brand new blog http://rachelemoniz.blogspot.com . Emails are also welcomed at REMonizOL@aol.com
Starting on release day March 26, 2009 you can find LITHA DREAMS at www.thedarkcastlelords.com , at www.fictionwise.com or at www.allromanceebooks.com
Thank you, Catherine, for having me here. I look forward to hearing from your blog readers and will respond to all comments and emails sent!
No, thank you, Rachel. This is one fun lady whom I'm sure you'll all enjoy getting to know. Her blogs on myspace sucked me in as I'm sure her book will as well.
I always enjoy learning about a fellow DCL writer. Excellent interview, Rachel! Sounds like you have lots in the works, and I'm glad to hear we'll be treated to more antics from the McKenzie clan. Good luck with this book! Very nice review, and the cover looks terrific!
We are thrilled to have Rachel write for DCL! Thank you Catherine for having us at your blog today!
Thanks for stoppin' by, Susan. Rachel's review was steller.
The pleasure is all mine, DCL. I love to see a publisher supporting their authors like you do.
Very nice interview, Catherine and Rachel!
Good luck with your books.
And how nice to see your DCL publisher supporting you!
Hi all! Finally got to the computer and was SO happy to read your comments!
Susan: Thank you for stopping by and your well wishes. It means a lot to have a fellow DCLer here with me! *hugs*
DCL: Thank you for the support and help as Litha Dreams went through the whole process. I feel very loved!
Catherine: It goes without saying that it has been a true pleasure to get to know you on MyS and in the blogging world. Your praise is a gift and thank you again for this opportunity! much love!!
Kaye: Thank you for stopping by and getting to know a little bit more about me! Please do feel free to be in touch!
Hi, Rachel! I enjoyed reading the interview.
Hi Destiny!
Glad to meet you today. Thanks for swinging by!
Hi Rachel, nice to meet you! Congratulations on your upcoming release!
Hi Helen!
Thank you for your well-wishes! Great to meet you, as well.
Hi Destiny and Helen,
Thanks for stoppin' by. Oh, Rachel... I needed to make that cover bigger. It is amazing! I do think DCL's covers are sooo hot! Lucky you!
Oh yes....I loved Andrei Claude's look and that is why I chose him for the cover.
I am glad you are all enjoying it!
Lucky you!!! You get to pick your cover model? Wow!
Yes, when Annie Marshall, who designed the cover, asked me if I had any preferences, I told her "Andrei!"
How nice it is to sit in my writing room and look at the framed cover shot hanging on the wall!
Congratulations on your recent release. I'm a huge reader as well, and I love doing research. Good luck with your WIP. I'm a big fan of military/adventure/romance.
Thank you so much for saying hello!
I appreciate it!
Great interview ladies! What a great hook for the story Rachel. I look forward to seeing more of your work!
I am very happy that you stopped by today. Thank you for your enthusiasm about my work!
Hi Shelley... how do you find the time to read so much with as many books as you put out a year? Do you own a time mechine?
Emma: Thanks for droppin' in.
Great interview, Catherine and Rachel! I love soulmate stories, they are one of my fave.
And omg, you get to chose your cover model?! *fans self* Henri, Henri, are you free...????
Hi Rachel! Nice to meet you. I am a big reader too, and have 52 books planned to read this year. Thanks Catherine for hosting such a nice lady!
Hi Christina!
I am so glad you stopped by. It is great to have the DCL cover artists listen to our input for the covers.
Hello, Kim:
A book-a-week is great! Enjoy your reading and let us know when you find keepers!
THANK YOU to all who have visited and learned a bit more about me. Please keep in touch! I love to hear from people!
Catherine, thank you for being such a great blog hostess. I hope to be back again
Much love,
Rachel E. Moniz
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