Welcome back everyone. Day two of the tour so don't miss one stop.
Today I'm going to highlight Richard, Max's brother from Before the Moon Rises.
This category length romance is available in e-book - and if you want a chance to win a copy of Embracing the Wolf, be sure and leave a comment here on my blog AND sign up to receive my newsletter via my yahoo loop... and I'll put your name in a hat and choose the lucky winner on November 1st.
Now... onto the blurb and excerpt:
Werewolves come in two categories, good and evil. Although Richard Ritter's family has encouraged him to make the change for years, he never considered embracing his wolf until he meets Kate Davis. One night with her however, and his life changes forever.
After a horrifying evening of violence, Kate Davis's life is turned upside down. Richard offers more than security; he offers her passion, something she hasn’t experienced in years. Falling in love with him was easy, but once she learns what he becomes every month her fear of the unknown threatens their future.
Werewolves come in two categories, good and evil. Although Richard Ritter's family has encouraged him to make the change for years, he never considered embracing his wolf until he meets Kate Davis. One night with her however, and his life changes forever.
After a horrifying evening of violence, Kate Davis's life is turned upside down. Richard offers more than security; he offers her passion, something she hasn’t experienced in years. Falling in love with him was easy, but once she learns what he becomes every month her fear of the unknown threatens their future.

2nd Excerpt:
With no parking space in sight, Kate parked along the side street in the dirt. Joey lugged his backpack over his arm and followed her toward the entrance of the school.
“We’re going to sleep there again tonight, right?”
“I think so.” Kate pivoted, certain someone called her name. A parent she didn’t recognize walked a few feet away, but diverted her eyes when Kate searched hers. Not seeing anyone she knew, she continued walking.
“I hope so,” Joey said.
Her hands chilled, the hair on her nape stood on end. A few more feet, and Kate stopped moving. The heavy weight of someone’s stare kept her from taking another step. Wary, she turned around in a full circle.
Someone was watching her.
Parents passed her by, moving around her as if she were a big rock in a small stream.
Her spine stiffened.
“Come on, mom.” Joey tugged her arm.
“Wait a minute.” I’m being paranoid.
“I’m going to be late.”
Kate started forward again. When her phone rang in her purse, she jumped. She retrieved her phone and glanced at the digital display. She didn’t recognize the number.
She pressed talk and slowly brought the phone to her ear. “Hello?”
Static and wind brushed against her ear with the hum of the line.
“Hello?” she asked again, trying to keep her panic at bay.
The school bell buzzed, the sound echoed in her phone as if in stereo. Whoever the caller was, they were somewhere on campus.
Panic gripped her throat, threatening to choke it off. She closed the phone and threw it in her purse. “Come on.” She pulled Joey away from the school, back toward her car.
“What are we doing?” Joey’s little legs ran to keep up with her, his eyes suddenly large and flooded with fear and confusion.
“We need to go.”
“What about school?”
The kids ran in the opposite direction, all of them scrambling to make it inside before the doors shut.
Kate ran to her car with Joey’s hand secured in hers.
“What’s the matter, Mommy?”
“We’re going to sleep there again tonight, right?”
“I think so.” Kate pivoted, certain someone called her name. A parent she didn’t recognize walked a few feet away, but diverted her eyes when Kate searched hers. Not seeing anyone she knew, she continued walking.
“I hope so,” Joey said.
Her hands chilled, the hair on her nape stood on end. A few more feet, and Kate stopped moving. The heavy weight of someone’s stare kept her from taking another step. Wary, she turned around in a full circle.
Someone was watching her.
Parents passed her by, moving around her as if she were a big rock in a small stream.
Her spine stiffened.
“Come on, mom.” Joey tugged her arm.
“Wait a minute.” I’m being paranoid.
“I’m going to be late.”
Kate started forward again. When her phone rang in her purse, she jumped. She retrieved her phone and glanced at the digital display. She didn’t recognize the number.
She pressed talk and slowly brought the phone to her ear. “Hello?”
Static and wind brushed against her ear with the hum of the line.
“Hello?” she asked again, trying to keep her panic at bay.
The school bell buzzed, the sound echoed in her phone as if in stereo. Whoever the caller was, they were somewhere on campus.
Panic gripped her throat, threatening to choke it off. She closed the phone and threw it in her purse. “Come on.” She pulled Joey away from the school, back toward her car.
“What are we doing?” Joey’s little legs ran to keep up with her, his eyes suddenly large and flooded with fear and confusion.
“We need to go.”
“What about school?”
The kids ran in the opposite direction, all of them scrambling to make it inside before the doors shut.
Kate ran to her car with Joey’s hand secured in hers.
“What’s the matter, Mommy?”
Have to read this now? Download your copy from The Wild Rose Press click HERE
Fictionwise click HERE
Next is Mary's blog click HERE
Here is an easy list of links to all the stops on the tour - so don't miss a one!
That was such a good excerpt and I hated when it ended. This sounds like a great book.
The excerpt left me wanting to know more. Great cover!
Oooh, goosebumps! I just love it when that happens. And, yes, terrific cover, Catherine.
Great excerpt...I want the rest!
that was a great excerpt. Had me running too. Need to know more:)
Sherry - Thankx and TX for stopping by as well.
Mariposa: Glad you liked it. And I do love this cover.
Joelle: The hair on end is a good thing for a reader. lol
Marie: Well, you know where to find the book. lol
Judy: Thanks!!!
Sounds like my kind of book!!
I love shifters!
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