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Alone with her patient, Janet removed the catheter kit from the supply cabinet and placed it on the bed. She closed the curtain to insure privacy. Not that he would complain; he was still completely out.
She tossed back the covers and took the time to dress the man in a hospital gown. The stranger was built. Tan, muscular and good lord his package was something to be reckoned with. Janet didn’t make a habit out of really noticing her patients ‘packages’, in fact, she couldn’t remember ever really looking before. Okay, maybe she looked, but she never ogled. This man was well worth ogling.
Embarrassed over where her eyes landed, she opened the Foley catheter kit and prepared to insert the tube to collect his urine. Good thing he’s out. She’d hate to be caught staring at the man’s assets. How unprofessional.
Gloved up, she lifted his penis and lubed the end of the catheter tubing. Out of habit she murmured, “This is going to hurt you, more than me.”
A strong voice from the top of the bed stopped her mid stride. “Don’t you think I should know your name first?”
Shocked, Janet let out a little shriek. Her grip tightened on the man’s penis, her eyes shot up to his face. Deep blue eyes swirled and sparkled with a hidden smile, yet his lips remained in a thin line.
She opened her mouth to speak but no words came.
“Well?” he asked, his voice thick and drawn out.
“The doctor needs a urine sample,” Janet blurted.
John Doe’s eyes traveled to his private parts.
In that second, Janet felt his penis twitch and start to harden.
“Oh, God!"
Come back tomorrow...
I found your blog from the Goodreads posts on blogs ans Laurie Highland Hussy's comments with you. All of my homepage is made up of book blogs so I am always glad to find another book blog to follow with good reviews.
Woohoo! I love it!
I joined your yahoo group. I loved the excerpt it was great.
Fun excerpt!
Melissa: Thanks for stopping by... and at a great time too. I know you're into time travels, but if you like shifters, there are a lot of give aways on this tour. Stop by the other blogs and you may win some free books.
Marie: Thanks
Sherry: Awesome. Thanks for stopping by... come back tomorrow, too.
Paty: Thanks!
Hi Catherine,
Signed up for your newsletter, and would love to read Embracing The Wolf.
caity_mack at yahoo dot com
Thanks for stopping by, Cathy. Great name BTW lol
the excerpt made me chuckle great job :)
Just joined your group yesterday -- I can't believe it took me this long, lol!
Hey Catherine,
Loved this excerpt. ;o) I didn't know you had a group--off to join...
Great excerpt!! I already belong to your yahoo group!! Enjoying the blog hop!!
[laughing like mad]
That is a great excerpt. I love a bit of hospital humor.
Anthony Stevens
Cute....I'd like to read more, definitely! You've been on my list of must buys when I got my Kindle!!!
You know you don't have to enter me - but I so love this scene with Max *g*
Found your blog via Goodreads. I saw shifter on the logo and I couldn't stop myself ;)
Love my warm and furry males
Hi Catherine,
Loved the excerpt--too funny.
I love the blog hopping. So many books to add to my TBL.
Jennifer: Laughter is a good thing.
Helen: As always, thanks for stopping by.
Aithne: Seriously? lol I've had the loop for over a year. Glad you found it.
Judy: Thanks for stopping by.
Anthony: It's the ER nurse in me. *grin
Tracie: Having an e-reader makes all the difference in the world. Enjoy.
Angel: Minus the sweater vest that it. *snort*
Lakisha: Love them shifters. Hope to see you again.
Karen: Blog hopping always costs me money. :-)
OUR Max doesn't wear a sweater vest - don't worry, the image has never ruined my own, private, luscious image of him.
True, Angel... so true!
great post love dteh excerpt joined ur news letter list
I am a member of your newletter under brandyzbooks... I love the love story with a dangerous twist atleast he archrival makes it sounds dangerous:)
SiNs: Thanks for stopping by.
Brandy: Glad you liked it!
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