When I decided to write this blog... I considered how I might do a little shameless promotion, share with everyone my excitement over recent my recent reviews and tie in useful information about promotion.
You need to let me know if I managed to do all three.
I was called the promotional goddess this last week by Dayana Knight. I nearly spit out my coffee with that one. However, I do realize that I've done my share of research on the subject and truly try and find a new place to promo every week. Then I share that info with you guys via vlogs or yakking on loops or whatever.
Is it working?
Yeah! I'm happy to say it is. This last weekend I was up for Book of the Week at LASR's Whipped Cream and now I have this nifty button to place on my blog, website and newsletter. Not to mention Kilt Worthy has a lovely spot at the top of the Whipped Cream site. I shamelessly begged for votes via Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, Blogger and Loops. Not to mention personal emails to nearly every writer I know.
You might say..."Well, that's nice and all, Cathy, but how does this equate to sales?"
I'll reply... "Well, little Miss Doubtful, in order to hit the bestseller lists on publisher sites and third party bookseller sites, you have to be selling books."
Have you released a book that never hit these lists? If so, can you pump up your promotion and make the next one surge to the top? And is there a next one? Because let me tell you, sister, book two sells book one each and every time.
I'll be filming my next instalment of vlogs on what to do while waiting for your editor to get back to you, this week. If you haven't seen these video-blogs, then click HERE, visit my youtube page and watch them all.
Kilt Worthy riveted me, seduced me, and kept me glued to its pages. This story is romance. It embodies the reason I read this genre and I’d recommend this book in a heartbeat. ~~ Whipped Cream Reviews~~
...The loving was hot and the characters were strong ...This is the first work I have ever read from this author, but plan to read more from her as I hope you do. ~~ Seriously Reviewed 16/20
...Kilt Worthy is an intriguing, steamy time travel paranormal romance that will capture your attention from beginning to end.~~ Night Owl Romance 4 1/2 Hearts
If you are looking for a short story that packs a punch, then pick up Soul Mate. Ms. Bybee has delivered a delightful love story that is sure to please! ~~Manic Readers 4 Stars
Catherine has a wonderful sense of timing and her scenes and characters come alive beneath her ‘pen’... ~~~Long and Short Reviews
...I was carried away by the world that Ms. Bybee created... Ms. Bybee
has a definite winner on her hands with Soulmate. I’m anxious to read more of this talented writer’s work. I give Soulmate Five Delightful Divas and my Top Pick for The Month of October.~~ Dark Diva Reviews

So, Dear Reader... Is my promotion working?
Yes! Catherine-- I'd say it's working! You are getting out there and you are telling others how to do the same.
Bigger things are coming your way. (my little Tarot for the day, lol)
Do tell me more, oh gypsy lady.
Catherine, you do a great job of promoting. I think a large part of your success is due to your fun personality. You always seem to hit just the right note.
I hope you're right about book 2...my second story is due out in December. It will be interesting to see the numbers when they come out.
And I'm sure it is gonna fly off the charts. My next release is in December as well... I can't wait to see how she does.
Congrats, Catherine! I'm not as comfortable talking my books up yet, but maybe I'll learn if I watch you. ;)
I would learn at your feet, oh promotional goddess. : )
I agree with Emma. Your success has a lot to do with your wonderful personality and the fact that you write a really good book!
I will be very interested in your vlogs. : )
All right you are rocking. Stop showing off, you're killing the rest of us. Promotional goddess, didn't even send me my pom poms yet. (grin)
Big hug for Catherine!
Cari... you'll get there.
Lynne: lol I didn't come up with the name, Dayana did! lol
Mary. What color? xoxo
Congrats on the WC award. I voted. :)
I think you're doing a great job with promo.
Thanks for your support, Shelley.
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