I have another author interview for you all to enjoy. Welcome Aussie Author, Christina Phillips. She is enjoying her second Scarlet release from The Wilder Rose Press this month.
Thanks for joining us, Christina.
Hi Catherine! Thanks for having me on your blog today!
How many books do you read a month? Are they all romance?
I used to read soooo much more before I started writing. Now I find I might read loads of books one month, and then go a couple of months where I might only read one or two books. Also, since I've been published I've started to read a lot more novellas and short stories, whereas before I didn't. I do tend to buy books by my friends, and since I'm lucky enough to have many wonderful writer friends that means my tbr pile is tottering (physically and electronically!)
They aren't all romance although the vast majority are. And even if the book isn't a romance I will generally find some hint of romance in it somewhere. Ha! I also love reading YA books, as my 14 year old son is a voracious reader and when he particularly enjoys a book he likes me to read it as well so we can discuss it. That's how I ended up reading the Bartimaeus trilogy (LOVE them) and Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials.
Why do you write Erotic?
I blame my CPs!!!
Seriously, I owe the fact that I'm published today to my wonderful CPs who never gave up on me, even when I often came close to giving up on myself. For almost nine years I'd written category, chic lit and paranormal romance and although I always had hot love scenes (since I enjoyed writing them) I'd never tried my hand at writing erotic.
My CPs urged me to give it a go. I assured them it was impossible, since the genre was far too hard and exhausting.
Thankfully, they've never taken much notice of me when I say I can't do something, and continued to pester me (I mean encourage me!!) to try writing erotic romance. I explained, kindly, there was no way I could manage it.
A week later I dug out a short story which had been languishing on my hard drive for a few years. Before I quite knew what was happening I was rewriting it in a hot and steamy manner! And not only that, I realised I absolutely loved writing erotic romance and it didn't exhaust me nearly as much as I'd feared!!!
I love my CP's as well, Christina. I'm glad they pushed you out of your comfort zone.
What are your goals as a writer?
I want to sign with an agent for my longer novels. Is that a goal or a dream? LOL. It's what I'm aiming for.
I'd love to attend the RWAmerica conference in 2011 in NYC. That would be just amazing, to have the chance to meet lots of writers I've become friends with online, and soak up the whole huge conference experience. It would also be unbelievably cool to visit New York!!!
Hit the NYT Bestseller list. Frequently! Yes, I suffer from delusions, but the world I inhabit is a happy one!!!
Have a movie made of my Roman novel. Which goes on to win umpteen Golden Globes and Oscars and whatever... hehe... See above disclaimer...
Good for you! Dream big. That why they call it dreaming. I wish you all the luck in the world.
How do you respond when someone says... "Oh, you write THAT kind of book."
"Yes, that's right. Isn't my husband the lucky one?"
Tell us about your new book out now:
My Scarlet Rosette, Touch of the Demon, has recently been released by The Wild Rose Press, who describe is as a Futuristic/Fantasy, "lush and dark, providing an interesting fantasy for the tumultuous days of earth".
Dark angel Rafe travels back in time to destroy the woman who is fated to bring untold chaos to the cosmos. Instead, he finds Celeste, a child of the Earth Goddess, who is sworn to protect the one Rafe seeks. He mistakes her for his quarry but an irresistible attraction prevents him from taking her soul. And although Celeste holds the one weapon capable of banishing Rafe from Earth forever, she's unable to deny the overwhelming desire to possess this creature from hell. They come together in a frenzy of passion, each believing they are changing destiny by their actions. But when the Earth Goddess appears they discover her plans are more far reaching than either had imagined.
Watch the Trailer here
Visit my Website and Blog
Thanks for answering my crazy questions. And best of luck with Touch of a Demon.
Good morning, Catherine! Thanks so much for having me over on your blog today!!
You're so very welcome, Christina.
Congratulations, Christina! Great interview ladies. Fun questions Catherine.
Great interview and your husband is the lucky one. I just say, Yes would you like to see my book? I carry one with ame all the time.
I just finished up Touch of the Demon and I have to tell you... That is one hot read. Not to mention it feels like you've kept the door open for future books with this story line... Have you another Demon in the works?
Hey Catherine and Christina
Love your questions Catherine and Christina you answer them with such sauce!
Loved TOTD too.
Hey girls! Christina, I love your answer to people who question why you write erotic romance. May have to steal that one, LOL. Great interview!
Hey Christina, great interview. Congrats on your success. I just contracted my first erotica with TWRP and I almost embarrassed to say how much fun I had writing it. :) The last time someone asked me how I do research (as they with a wink, wink), I say, "The same way I research my murder scenes." This makes them stop and think. Kinda funny.
Man, I should really proof my posts before submitting them, eh? See above for example.
Great interview! And I agree with Catherine... dream big!
And Becky, I about peed my pants laughing at your research response.
Hi, Emma! Thanks for stopping by!
Mary, I would love to carry copies of my books around with me, omg I can just imagine some of the looks I'd get!!
Catherine, thank you!
I did fall in love with this world, and there is so much more to explore. I must admit there are a few more bad ass angels in my head all demanding to have their story told!!
Thanks April!
Who me, saucy? Never! LOL!!
Helen, I'd be so lost without my CPs!!
Hahahah! Becky! I love that answer!! And why do people think it's so funny to ask erotic romance authors that question?!
Huge congrats on your new contract!!
Thanks for stopping by, Kealie!
I love hearing the answer to that question. Thats why I ask it... and yes, even if you don't write erotic romance... if you write romance people will ask why? Go figure.
Great and fun interview, Catherine.
Wonderful answers, Christina! Good luck with those long term goals.
Thanks, Kaye!!
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