Romance By Catherine: Cinderella Story

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Cinderella Story

Sometimes Cinderella is a married woman with six...yeah, six kids.

One of the best things you can do in this life is 'pay it forward'... do something for someone just because you can.

Three... I think it was three... three years ago  I met a woman online who had this amazing ability to put together a website. We met through a mutual online friend. When all was said and done this woman agreed to help me with my website. At the time I couldn't afford what most website designers were asking. In fact... I couldn't afford anything. She agreed to do my website for ZERO. Yep, nothing. She liked the thought of doing something in her down time that didn't involve tiny people under the age of ten.

I was skeptical, worried my website would look like crap or things wouldn't be updated. But my writing career was taking off and I didn't have the time to think about a website.

The website turned out amazing.

Then I asked this lovely lady if she'd be interested in designing a book cover. I was embarking on this crazy notion of self publishing. I had an idea and wanted her to help me out.

She said no.

Fine, I moved on and started to come up with titles, cover ideas... I was going to make this work. Then one day we chatted and she asked if the book I was talking about on Facebook was the one I needed a cover for. When I told her yes she told me she had an idea. Before I know it Wife by Wednesday had a cover.

Well, most of you know the story from there.

So on this day... years later and over a million of my books sold. Crystal has become my full time assistant. I've had the blessed ability to pay for everything she does for me.

If there is one blessing in all that writing has done for's for being able to pay it forward to amazing people like Crystal.

One of the best days of my life came when I asked Crystal if she and her family had been to Disney World.

She said no.

Well... She can't say that now!

I love ya, Crystal... we really do need to meet in person one day!

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