Romance By Catherine: Who wants a free Kindle?

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Who wants a free Kindle?

As my blog tour for Not Quite Enough kicks off tomorrow, I wanted to shout out here what's going on over the next couple of weeks.

As many of your know, Monica's story is now available. My reader response has been amazing.

There will be a three week long Rafflecopter Giveaway going. All you have to do is enter to win by following any one of the items listed below. My newsletter is a must, but most of you are already on it. From there you can tweet, comment and follow to enter to win. And you can do this at each blog you visit...well, one daily anyway.

So let me get you started on a comment or two. I asked this during my release day party on Facebook and it had some amazing items on the list...

Dear reader, if you were stranded on an island what three things would you have to have with you. It's fantasy so work that list!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Anonymous said...

This is another amazing series! I loved the first two and am looking forward to reading Monica's story in NOT QUITE ENOUGH!! Thanks so much!!

Books Books and More Books said...

I want Glen's story. I am intrigued by this corporate playboy.

Muse in Bloom - Sue said...

If I were stranded on an island, I would have to have a chest full of books to read (I'd say my Kindle but there is no electrical outlets), a life supply of dark chocolate, and a faithful furry dog companion.

Unknown said...

I love this series!!

Unknown said...

I Love The Not Quite Series But My Favorite Book By Catherine BYbee Is Fiancé By Friday.

Anonymous said...

You are one of my favorites. I have read your historical trilogy 3 times and will do so again.

Rhonda Kirby

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to read

Unknown said...

Awesome giveaway... thanks for this opportunity.


Unknown said...

As always you are an awesome person and a pretty good writer!! Lol. I leave loved all your books! Thanks for being so involved with your readers.

Scrapbook Sensations said...

I am so glad I found your books this weekend on Amazon. So far I have read one day.

Julie said...

I finished this last night right as I fell asleep... and reread the last couple of chapters on the treadmill this morning. A sign of a future re-read!

Unknown said...

I'm so looking forward to reading Monica's story! Thanks again Catherine, you make being a fan so easy and so fun! The release party the other day was awesome!

Jenn Avery said...

I can't wait to see what Trent's brothers are like. I love him so much, I don't think they'll be able to live up to him though.

BecW said...

I can't wait to receive the print copy I won of this book in the mail. Monica is such a great heroine and Trent sounds like wonderful hero.

Thanks for the great contest.

JackieW said...

If I were stranded on an island I'd want my dog,a knife and a mirror for reflecting SOS messages and well, to see how I've changed in all the days it takes for my rescuers to find me.

Sharlene said...

OK, I know hot guys were the big thing the other day, but I would choose my husband over the other ones! I guess I would have to have a big fat book to read, too. And my reading glasses.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Can't wait to read this book.. Thanks for a great giveaway.

Gabrielle Lee said...

Congrats on the release. I am a big fan and cannot wait to read this one.

Marina said...

Congrats on the release. I am planning to read it the first moment when I actually have some free time :)

Kim said...

Congratulations on your new release. Three things I would want to have if I was stranded on an island... I would have to go with what you said, a solar powered Kindle Fire with Wi-Fi, really nice living quarters, and an endless supply of food to eat.