I realized more than ever before that our world as authors has seriously shifted. We... authors... are making it known to publishers that without us, books don't exist. For a reader this might sound like a given. But authors for years have thought that without a 'publisher' they didn't have an outlet for their creativity.
What a crock!
Without authors there are no books...there are no movies...there is no written fiction. Yes, the process in which a book makes it to the marketplace used to take a village within a publisher's network...but not any longer.

I'm a huge advocate for self publishing...smart publishing. That isn't to say that I don't believe that a larger distribution that can be obtained with a publisher isn't smart for some authors...but if an author has a book that 'isn't quite right' for the mainstream public, should that book be forgotten? No! It should be published and read. Let the readers decide if it's readable or not.
I'm about to launch my 5th time travel novel... AKA Amber's story, Highland Protector. The offers I received for this series never gave me more money than I was making in a few short months on this series. I've been told that 'these type' of books just don't sell.
Well... the hell! No only do my readers love these books, every day my assistant and I are plagued with letters asking when the next book is coming. Amber's story may not make the NYT's... or the USA Today's bestsellers list... but it will continue the story I started telling four years ago and my readers want it. And by damn it will sell. Why? Because there are plenty of reader who want this book.
What makes the world of fiction so much richer now is the fact that so many books are published. Yes, some self published books should have stayed inside the authors computer...but some... holy hell, some reach the level of awesome many of us only dream of making. Those authors should be praised for breaking the ceiling of fiction.
I can't wait for Amber's story to come out. I have read the whole series and just loved it. Yes these books are fantasy time to take you away into another world and time. Looking forward to seeing Amber again.
You go girl! I've read every one of your books and loved them all. I've been patiently waiting for Ambers story as well. This is on my list to pre-order - as well as ALL your other books.
I'm amazed at the number of "independent" authors that are now able to get their books out to the world. SO glad you went ahead and did this series. I love the series and am eagerly awaiting Amber's story.
I admit I haven't read any of your books... yet... but I found your talk at OCCRWA inspiring. I'm in the middle of negotiating a contract for my first novel and I really, really needed to hear what you had to say, even though I didn't realize it. It doesn't mean I'm going to self publish (though it might), but it made me realize I didn't have to settle for the contract I was being offered (it had some big red flags). I advocated for myself and hopefully as a result I will find a better match.
At the end it was your enthusiasm and your passion for your work, and *all* of our work that really sent the message home for me. Now I'm just kicking myself for not introducing myself to you and saying as much right then, but it was my first ever RWA meeting and I knew literally no one there. Shy girl that I am, I left. Hopefully I'll have another opportunity and next time I will have read your books. :)
Thank you.
Thank you all for your support and kind words.
Tell It Sister!!!
Tell your story and your fans will come! I''m tired of publishers deciding what will sell -- just as publishers and directors are doing with the movie medium. Then an outlier takes a chance, and the pack follows. Blaze your own path and rest assured we'll be there right with you.
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