Today she's going to talk a little about the importance of dreams and how a dream can become a book. She is graciously giving away a copy of her latest release to one lucky winner. All you have to do is leave a comment below to be entered to win. If you tweet about this post, and tell us about it, we'll enter your name in twice to the drawing.
Take it away, Beth...
Years ago I had a dream on New Year’s Eve, a highly propitious time for dreamsand the second instance when one on that particular eve led to my writing a story. The first book resulting from this source of inspiration was historical romance novel Red Bird’s Song. The second instance eventually evolved into myrecent release, vintage American Christmas ghost story romance Somewhere the Bells Ring. The dream that inspired this story took place in the beautiful Virginia home place where my father grew up and I often visited over the years, a graciousGeorgian style brick home, circa 1816.

The other greatest influence on this story is my nostalgia for the late 1960’sand fond memories of Christmas’s spentin that home. The story is set there in 1968 with flashbacks to an even earlier era, 1918 and the end of World War 1. As to the ghost, well, I always wondered if that house was haunted.

Caught with pot in her dorm room, Bailey Randolph is exiled to a relative's ancestral home in Virginia to straighten herself out. Banishment to Maple Hill is dismal, until a ghost appears requesting her help. Bailey is frightened but intrigued. Then her girlhood crush, Eric Burke, arrives and suddenly Maple Hill isn't so bad.
To Eric, wounded in Vietnam, his military career shattered, this homecoming feels no less like exile. But when he finds Bailey at Maple Hill, her fairy-like beauty gives him reason to hope––until she tells him about the ghost haunting the house. Then he wonders if her one experiment with pot has made her crazy.
As Bailey and Eric draw closer, he agrees to help her find a long-forgotten Christmas gift the ghost wants. But will the magic of Christmas be enough to make Eric believe––in Bailey and the ghost––before the Christmas bells ring?
“Bailey.” He spoke softly, so as not to startle her.
She turned toward him. In her long, white nightgown, hair tumbled down around her, wearing that lost look, she bore an unnerving resemblance to the mysterious woman in Wilkie Collins’ classic mystery, The Woman in White. Eric fervently hoped the similarity ended there. As he recalled from the novel, that unfortunate lady had been unhinged.
Leaving the door ajar, he stepped inside. “We missed you at breakfast.”
She answered distractedly. “I wasn’t hungry.”
He limped to where she stood, the hitch in his leg a little less pronounced today. Maybe he was getting stronger. “Why are you here, looking for ghosts?”
“Or a door to the past.”
He tried to coax a smile to her trembling lips. “Did you check inside the wardrobe?”
“Eric, I’m being serious.”
“That’s what worries me.” Leaning on his cane with one arm, he closed his other around her shoulders and drew her against him. Such a natural act, and she accepted his embrace without pulling back. She smelled of flowers from her perfume and wood smoke. “Mercy, child,” he said in his best imitation of Ella, “it’s as cold as a tomb in here.”

“It wasn’t last night.”~
Somewhere the Bells Ring is available in various eBook formats at The Wild Rose Press,Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble’s Nookbook, and other online booksellers.
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Thanks for having me on your lovely blog, Catherine. I'm delighted to be here. I'll be away this morning and checking back in this afternoon.
Hi, Beth,
Your cover art is lovely and the novel is intriguing. As to dreams,
when I've taught creative writing, I've told students to keep a pen and notebook on their nightstand so when they wake from a dream they can jot it down. Dreams are a great creative resource for writers. Our subconscious mind provides lots of useful material.
Jacqueline Seewald
I dream full stories sometimes too, and they do give me ideas for future books. Great cover and the book sounds really intriguing.
I've had the same experience with dreams. I'm currently working on a story that started as a dream, and it's fascinating how it's evolving. LOVE the sound of this story, Beth. Congratulations.
Thanks everyone for coming by today. Be sure and tell your friends that Beth is here giving away a book.
Not sure I want to contemplate using my early morning dream of this morning as the basis of a story. It would be definitely a mystery, but more likely a horror with no romance at all. Yet the idea of using dreams is very intriguing in the general sense. I look forward to reading 'Somewhere the bells ring' asap!
fascinating stuff, Beth. You've definitely intrigued me. I've had a few odd dreams that made me feel as if I'd been communicating with people who'd died. Many years ago I'd lost contact with an old neighbor when we moved away, and one night I had a dream about her. Let me premise this by saying she was a grumpy woman and she'd lost a leg. In my dream she was smiling and had both legs. I came to find out she'd died right around the time I had that dream. It still gives me shivers.
Great picture Beth. If I wrote what I dreamed, I'd write horror! Very interesting post and excerpt.
Never dreamed a story, Beth. In fact, the dreams I can remember don't make any sense. lol
Best of luck with your newest release!
Thanks all. The dreams that lead to the creation of great stories are a real treasure trove.
Beth, your book sounds really interesting--I want to read it! And reading the comments--Lynne, your neighbor may have been trying to get through to you to show she's ok and no longer grumpy.
Beth, whether i won it or not this is gonna be mine. I will look for it as soon as I can. This is right up my alley. I love time-travel and I love the nostalgia of those old homes our grandparents lived it. It resonates with me. I've been there and felt that in old homes, especially Victorian for some reason.
What a lovely story this sounds like. Good stuff girl!!! Good luck too Beth! And a continued career of wonderful heartfelt, and touching stories...,
Thanks Roni, and I agree that the neighbor Lynne saw was trying to show her she'd been transformed. Thanks Mary for a very uplifting comment and needed encouragement.
The most I can say about dreams and books is I'll dream of plot twists at night then need to write them down the minute I get out of bed so I won't forget.
My newest work in progress has a part that the hero has a very sad dream, it unnerves him so much especially since he and the heroine had an awful fight just prior. What happens next is the dream turns out to be too close to what happens next.
Your book sounds really interesting especially dealing with a time period that you do.
Thanks for all the sharing. The other thing about me and dreams is that I'm a bit psychic and have had some dreams that came true. If it's not a good event I'd rather not know in advance unless I can alter it. So far I haven't been able to. I pray a lot. The dreams where I meet characters who wind up in my books are much better. Except for the one about the scary poltergeist...but he's in a yet unpubbed book.
That cover is lvoely, Beth. Congrats on the release. I can't wait to read this one for reasons I won't go into here. :) I'll just say I love this era it's written.
Your dream was fascinating, Beth. I love it. How interesting that you saw the room the way it would have looked then. I have really vivid dreams too. My Scottish paranormal series started with a dream that I just couldn't shake.
Very kewl Anita.
Oh, and the winner of Somewhere the Bells Ring: Mary Rickson.
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