CB: Welcome to my blog, Christine. I look forward to learning more about you and your work.
Tell us a little bit about you. How long have you been writing? How many books and what genre have you written?
I’ve been writing forever, but more seriously in the past ten years. I write contemporary and paranormal romance. I have three e-books out with Whispers Publishing, and three more books set for release later this year, one in print with The Wild Rose Press.
CB: Congrats! Tell us about the book you’re highlighting today on my blog?
My newest release coming in September from The Wild Rose Press is ALASKA HEART. Here’s the cover blurb:
Alaska is supposed to be cold, so why is Alanna Cormac on fire?
Sent on a dream assignment to Denali National Park, nature magazine writer Alanna Cormac has no intentions of falling in love with Dale Ramsden, sexy Iditarod winner. When Dale, his family, and even his eighteen sled dogs charm their way into her heart, however, Alanna’s fast-track New York instincts crumble. The Alaskan landscape and the caress of a man too good to be true ignite feelings she never had time to explore before. Feelings that have her so blissfully busy she’s unaware she’s being watched. Judged. Targeted.
She’s next.
Love will either save her or swallow her whole. Is there even a difference?
CB: Alaska is on my short list of places to visit. Tell me, what do you love most about this job?
That I can do it in my pajamas wearing no makeup and with my hair in a messy ponytail. Sexy, right?
CB: LOL. If there was one thing you could change about the writing business, what would it be?
I’d get rid of the synopsis. It’s like a dreadful book report. It makes me want to scream.
CB: Those do suck, big time! What do you say when someone says…”Oh, you write THOSE kinds of books.”
I say, “Oh, you wear THOSE kinds of shoes.”
CB: Great answer! Give us a taste of your latest masterpiece:

“When you turn around, look first. You can grab your camera after. Okay?"
“Okay.” The anticipation buzzed through me. Or was it being so close to Dale?
With a little nudge, Dale spun me around, and a gasp caught in my throat. His hands closed over my shoulders, anchoring me, keeping me earthbound amongst what had to be heaven.
Rising above all the other mountains in the distance, Mount McKinley reached into the cerulean Alaskan sky like a white giant. Its peaks were arrowheads of rock encrusted in snow that glistened magically in the pink of the late afternoon sunlight. How incredibly small I was, like a speck of dust in comparison to the majesty of McKinley.
“Oh, Dale…” My voice was nothing more than a rasp. I let my pack drop to my feet and leaned back against him. He folded his arms around me and squeezed. When I thought the moment couldn’t get any closer to perfection, he loosened my scarf enough to nuzzle his cold nose against my neck. Though I initially shivered at the contact, he quickly warmed the spot with the heat of his lips.
Giving McKinley another look, I turned around to face Dale. He trailed his lips over my cheek and finally to my mouth where he did things that made my head spin. Our lips parted as we tasted, savored each other. Great Goddess, I had shut myself off for too long. Or maybe I’d been waiting. Waiting for him.
Whatever the case, Dale unlocked emotions in me. My heart thudded wildly in my chest. My skin longed to have Dale’s fingers spread across every inch of it. My lips wanted him to never stop kissing me.
“Take your pictures, Alanna.” The words were a whisper. “And let’s go.”
CB: Where can we find your books? Where can we find you on the net?
To order ALASKA HEART, visit me at www.christinedepetrillo.blogspot.com on September 24th. Click on the ALASKA HEART cover and it’ll take to where you can buy it. My other books from Whispers Publishing are also on this site. Also visit me and six of my writing gal pals at our group blog called A Pinch of Romance at www.apinchofromance.blogspot.com.
CB: Thank you for joining me today. I look forward to doing this again with your next release.
Pleasure being here. Thanks!
*waving to both Catherine and Christine*
Great interview!!! I can't wait to get Alaska Heart and have you sign it at our meeting :-)
Thanks, Rachel! I'm getting excited now too!
Hi Rachel - Thanks for stopping by.
Thanks again for coming Christine.
Great to meet you, Christine!
Great to meet you too, Helen. Just visited your blog and enjoyed your visuals. :)
I would like to read this book.
This book sounds great! I'm always amazed by writer's who can write in first person! Congrats on a job well done.
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