Lookie what I have? One Lovely Blog Award sent to me from Dayana Knight... My fellow Black Wolf author and friend.
Thank you so much! Here are the "rules" that go along with it:
1. Accept the award, along with the person's name who gave it to you and their blog link.
2. Pass the award to other blogs.
3. Remember to contact the other bloggers to let them know they've been chosen for the award.
Congrats, Catherine! You do indeed have a lovely blog. Can't wait for your next video blog!
True Emma, those video blogs are very unique and well don Catherine!
Thanks ladies... My next v-blog is going to be posted over on Dayana Knights Blog... for variety sake. So be sure and watch for it next monday the 27th.
Ooh, congratulations and thank you very much! I'm honored. :)
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