I love the fact that Blogger is free... But I'm told that a website, one that isn't free, is a bit to do in the publishing world. So I have purchased my domain name and now have catherinebybee.com up and running. It looks a whole lot like my other site on free webs. But Go Daddy does have a full service department that I have already used three times, so I'm very pleased.
Now... I'm thinking of updating my Blogger site and I'm wondering if I should lighten it up a bit. The dark tone works really well for my 'darker' romances. However, Kilt Worthy, my erotic short coming this summer, isn't dark at all. In fact, I would label it a sexy little romp that will have you laughing one minute and squirming in your seat wondering when your husband is coming home, the next. Of course, this is just my humble opinion. grin.
So, what do you think? A little lighter in tone? Font? Color? Maybe find a way to stretch the beautiful picture I have in the upper right hand corner of my website and get it to fit on the blogger site? Tell me your opinions... oh, cyber friends of mine.
Well, it seems everyone is updating their blog/websites lately! I like the look of your blog but it seems a good idea to link the two at least in color, font and so forth. So maybe that would be a good idea to promote Kilt Worthy.
Geeze... maybe not. I tried playing with it today and nearly lost all the work I've done already. There has to be an easier way to create the look I want without loosing all my fun stuff already here.
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