Are you one of those shy people who don't announce your special day when it comes every year? What day you ask?
Ahhh... your birthday? Well, surprise, surprise... not me. I used to do that until I worked with a ER Doctor once who told every fireman and medic who came in the back door that it was her special day... By the end of that shift, Dr. Sam had 4 dozen roses, a free lunch and if I'm not mistaken, a invite for a dinner date. lol
It pays to shout!
My birthday is this Friday May 1st and to celebrate I'm have a very special guest blogger. Jenna Petersen AKA Jess Michaels here to talk about her very exciting and full year of releases.
So be sure and come on over Friday and celebrate my 29th... again...
Happy Birthday Catherine, I wish you pleasant surprises!
Thanks, Mary.
Happy Birthday on Friday, Catherine!
Yeah, I'm one of those who won't announce mine.
This is great-- Jess/Jenna is so interesting-- I'll be here for sure.
Hi Cahterine!
It's Birthweek! Yay! Mine will be coming up soon.
I always make a big to-do about birthday and celebrate me. People get on board and get excited along with me, so why not?
MANY wishes for wonderful things during your next jorney around the sun.
You know Kaye... no use keeping birthdays to yourself. It's much more fun for everyone to know not to screw with you on your day. lol
Thank Rachel... A fellow Bull - no wonder we get along so well. grin
Happy birthday for Friday :)
I always try to avoid mine, so much so it's known as an unbirthday in this house. It's coming up again in the next few days unfortunately. Am waiting for the day when i get asked what I want, reply nothing, and get exactly that. nothing.
Yay Catherine, another girl approaching her 29th!!! I celebrate my 29th every year and have no intention of stopping any time soon!!! Happy B Day for Friday!
Happy Birthday early! I'll be at my local chapter conference all day Friday, but I'll try to sneak in and say hello to Jenna/Jess. I'm a big fan of her work. So what are you asking for? Something big, hmm???
Oh, Clare... That makes me sad. You might want to change your ways and get on the --- "It's all about me!" bandwagon. lol
Chrisina --- Whoo Hoo! 29. Wonder if thats the perfect age for a vampire to turn you? Hmmm? Food for thought. Pun-intended.
Helen: Have fun at the conference.
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