Thank you all for stopping by today. I'd like to introduce to you Ann Campbell who is celebrating her debut release LIGHTS OUT. This Scarlet Rosette was released March 5th over at The Wilder Rose Press.
Ann is not only a fellow Wilder Rose, she also happens to be in the critique group you guys always here me talking about. Having seen LIGHTS OUT before it was even submitted to TWRP, I can tell you first hand that it is a very hot read and well worth your time.
My new set of questions for authors is my way of spicing up the interview, so here we go...
Click here or on the picture to go directly to TWRP to purchase your copy today.
How many books do you read a month, and are they all romance?
I read on average 10 to 20 books a month. Though most are romance, a good portion of them are children's books that I read to my two children
Why do you write Erotic?
Why not? I like to read it, I love to act it, so why not write about it!
What are your goals as a writer?
I have no delusions of grander. I in no way expect to be the next Nora Roberts but if I could write and sell enough to make sure my kids get a great Christmas every year and maybe take a vacation with the family, I would consider myself a success
How do you respond when someone says... "Oh, you write THAT kind of book."
YOU BET I DO!! and my hubby loves helping me with my .....RESEARCH!
Tell us about your book.
My new book is called LIGHTS OUT. It was the very first story I ever submitted and amazingly I got a contract for it very quickly. It takes place in the Colorado Rockies during a January snow storm. Two friends find themselves stuck together to wait out the storm and things start to ....heat up!
What was the biggest challenge with your debut book?
Finding the time. I stopped working just after my daughter was born because we found out our son was Autistic. He was in his first week of Kindergarten and was having problems with the day care he was going to before and after school. Hubby and I decided that it would be much better for him if I stayed at home and gave him the stability he so desperately needed. Now with 2 kids (ages 7 and 17 months) I can barely find time to work. But after the lights go out in the evenings, I can be found plastered to my computer. Drives my husband nuts!
Thank you for taking the time to talk with us today, Ann.
You can read more about Ann at her WEBSITE and BLOGSPOT.
Hi Catherine and Ann! Great questions. I love your goals as a writer Ann. I think I'm going to adopt them as my own as well. I also think it quite admirable the way you devote time to your children. I hope all is well with both of them!
Wow Catherine Great interview. Ann you story is wonderful. You have such a way with words. You must do so much research.
Thanks for stoppin' by, Emma and Nancy / Anonymous. LOL... I found Ann's answers to the questions funny, too. LOL
Hi, Ann & Catherine!! Great interview! I loved the responses. Why? Because they were honest. I wish you the best of luck with your career, Ann!!
Congrats on your new release Ann! Great interview. Thanks for sharing.
Your books sounds yummy! Can't wait to read it. Congrats on the release...good luck!
Hi Catherine and Ann
Great interview! Enjoyed the responses.
Congrats on your new release, Ann.
Hey Ann and Catherine. Loved your answers Ann. I can so relate to having kids with me all day long! Good luck with your new release.
Hey Ann and Catherine! Here's to your new release (may it sell like flapjacks at a lumberjack convention!)
I love the answer to the "that kind of book" question :)
Hi ladies -- Ann, the book sounds great. I'm looking forward to having you on my blog on 3/23!
Thank you all for stoppin' by. Ohh Helen, be sure and come up with even more questions for Ann. She had so many fantastic answers to mine! LOL
Fun questions & answers! Congrats on your release, Ann! :)
I would like to thank you all for stopping by. Sorry I haven't been here yet today, but things have been very busy around my farm. Hope to see more of you all around the e-world :)
Great interview, Ann and Catherine! Looking forward to reading LIGHTS OUT!
Congrats to Ann! This does sound like a great read. Good interview Catherine. And to Ann, Good luck!
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