Welcome to my corner of the blogging world. I love your ‘Bride’ cover BTW. Shadonna has offered up a free e-copy of her book to one of you. So please leave a comment or two and and email address so I can let you know who wins.
Let's get a little of the formalities out of the way.
Tell us a little about your self and the genre you write. First of all, thanks so much for having me as a guest on your fabulous blog! Secondly congratulations on your wonderful novel “Wife by Wednesday”- I couldn’t put the book down…I loved it!!
Thank you.
Now to the question J I enjoy reading and writing about the power of love and the magic of happily ever after so I guess that’s the reason why I read and write contemporary romance and romantic comedy!
What do you love about being a writer? I love being able to use my imagination to create new worlds and explore different romantic storylines.
And the most important question ever... Do you roll your toilet paper over the roll or under the roll? Over, for sure!

Hope your readers enjoy the story. I also have a free e-copy to give away to one of your lucky followers.
Have a blessed day,
Catherine, thanks again for having me as a guest on your awesome blog! You rock! Congrats on landing a fab agent and best of luck to your lovely followers in entering the draw for a free e-copy of An Unexpected Bride.
All the best,
Shadonna :-)
BTW, Catherine, major congrats on making the New York Times Bestseller list!!!! Well deserved!
Thanks, Shadonna.
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