Oh, boy... this is a question I've been asked a lot since I started writing. To date, I've always said I'm a pantser - never an outline to be followed. Well, okay, I have an idea of where I'm going with a story, but truly, I've not written a synopsis and then sat down to write a book. I just kinda wing it... go with the flow... let my characters create the story.

But hold the phone, stop the presses... I think I'm one foot over the fence and leaning toward the other side. Why? You ask...
As some of you know, my goals are lofty. Big goals, big houses, big sales etc. etc. So in my quest to do bigger and better with every book or story I write, I set out to come up with an idea, write an outline then a synopsis... send this proposal out to the publishing world, either via agents or publishers... then "gasp" write the book.
And you know what?
Drum roll please...............
It's working. I've managed 20k in 4 measly days and I think it's because I have an outline to follow. As long as each chapter moves my characters forward, and the plot unfolds, this plotter thing has a real chance at working for me.
Me, the constant pantser. The woman who had nothing but an opening scene in my brain for Binding Vows and made three full-length novels out of said opening scene.
Does this mean that all my books will now be outlined before I start to write? I don't rightly know. Maybe, if it keeps me on track and has me cranking out the pages. 

Anyway... those are my thoughts this weekend, oh and hey... I'm over at Maries today. She's highlighting Embracing the Wolf so click HERE and link on over and say hi.
Good luck with your change of writing!!
Congratulations on the outline. I can't wait to read the finished product!
Glad it's working for you Catherine.
Myself though, I've just outlined what I'm going to write for the upcoming NanoWrimo, so hopefully I have as much success as you're having.
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