It seems every time I turn on my computer I find a new Helen Hardt's title being released. Congrats. Your newest erotic, Montego Lay, sound yummy! Tell me, did you come up with your plot while basking on the beach in Jamaica?
First of all, thanks for having me again, Catherine! It's always fun to visit you.
Yes, as a matter of fact ;). Last December, my husband and I took a vacation to an adult resort in Runaway Bay, Jamaica called Hedonism III. It was a pretty interesting place, complete with a nude beach. The whole time we were there, I kept thinking what a great location it would be for a Destination Pleasure story, so I created Pleasure Cove Nude Resort in Montego Bay which is an even less inhibited place than Hedo! While the story is purely

What do you admire most in your hero, Ace?
Ace is a basic soul. Many of my previous works feature heroes who are a little tortured (and I'll admit I'm a sucker for that type), but Ace isn't one of them. He's an all around good guy who loves the sun, the surf, and gorgeous women. And I think that's what I love most about him. A character doesn't have to have a lot of baggage to be interesting, and Ace is definitely interesting ;).
The real men in erotic romance authors lives always fascinate me. Tell me, what does your hubby tell his friends about your writing?
Oh, great question! First, my husband is wonderful. We're coming up on twenty years of marriage in November (and incidentally, we're going back to Hedo to celebrate), and I couldn't be happier. He loves that I read and write erotic romance because he gets the fringe benefits ;). He calls it an "occupational hazard" when my writing puts me in the mood, LOL. He's not at all embarrassed by what I do and is very proud of me. He's a keeper!
If there was one thing about the publishing industry that you would change, what would it be?
No one would ever get another rejection letter ;). I suppose that's too much to ask for, LOL. I guess I'd say the whole "hurry up and wait" issue. Seems we sit around a lot waiting for responses to our queries and subs, then we sit around waiting for our release date. It would be nice if the process went a little faster.
I know you're an editor as well as an author, can you tell us a little about your day job? What do you love about it, what frustrates you the most?
I started freelance editing a couple years ago. I'm a grammar Nazi, and I figured I could put my sickness to good use, LOL. I edit for two small presses and for private clients. What do I love about it? Helping authors make their work the best it can be. What frustrates me the most? My biggest pet peeve is head hopping.
Lets finish this interview with a blurb and excerpt of Ace and Lisa's story, Montego Lay.
Vacationing at a Montego Bay nude resort, Lisa Brooks finds herself volunteering in a bondage demonstration on the beach. She’d like to continue the instructions with the Jamaican native, but the gorgeous resort employee has other duties to perform. Though disappointed, Lisa accompanies a friend to an erotic casino night where the chips are free and redeemable for sex. A night for a mysterious encounter? If only she could buy the island hottie she really wants.
Excerpt (R rated for language):
Excerpt (Rated R):
“You’re beautiful, sweet,” he said, gazing into her eyes. “Beautiful, and ready for me to do whatever I please.” He winked, and then nodded to his audience. “Here she is, ladies and gentleman, at my pleasure, her legs spread, her wrists bound. She can’t touch me, but I can touch her.” He cleared his throat. “You can add to your submissive’s sensory perception by blindfolding her. Silk works well for this. The coolness of it against the face is pleasant for the submissive.”
Lisa closed her eyes, anticipating the gossamer softness against her cheeks. Her nipples tightened into hard buds, and moisture dripped from her pussy. If he fucked her right here, right now, outside in broad daylight in front of all these people, she wouldn’t stop him.
The thought frightened her.
Still, her pussy wept, and ripples of heat washed over her body. Her nipples stood straight, yearning for a tongue to lick them, lips to suck them. Firm, full lips.
“That’s about all the time for today’s demonstration.” Ace’s voice cut into her fantasy. “Thanks for coming. Tomorrow’s demonstration will be toga tying, to get you all ready for the Greek party tomorrow evening. Tonight is Casino Night. And I know those of you with Soleil Erotique have a special evening planned.”
Strangely disappointed that he hadn’t blindfolded her with silk, Lisa waited as the others left. Within a few minutes, she was alone with Ace. And still bound to the bed.
He sat down next to her and untied her wrists. “I hope I didn’t embarrass you too much, sweet. You were a good sport.”
“Oh, no. I’m fine.” Lisa rubbed her wrists, but they weren’t sore at all. It just seemed the thing to do.
“You made a pretty model for my demonstration.” He unhitched the rope from the bedpost and coiled it.
Lisa lay still, her ankles still bound. She didn’t dare speak, for fear that if she opened her mouth, she’d scream “fuck me!”
Ace reached for her first ankle cuff and unfastened it. Though she was naked and at his mercy, he was careful not to touch her inappropriately.
Damn him.
Thanks again for having me, Catherine!
Thanks for joining me today, Helen. I've swapped blogs with Helen today so for my latest video blog about the things an author can do while waiting for their editor or publisher to get back to you, stop on over Helen's Heroes.
Wow, I'm actually first for a change! Great to see you here, Helen.
Montego Lay is a great read. Luckily, Helen is always putting out lots of great books for us to read...keep 'em coming! (And no, I will not further clarify that remark, LOL)
Hey, Cari... Looks like this posted a lil' early. Which is fine of course. Must be karma so you could be the first one here. lol
Hi Cari! And Catherine, thanks so much for having me. I'll be in and out today, but I'll stop by and respond when I can. And commenters, be sure to visit Catherine at my blog,!
Hi Helen and catherine, terrific interview and blog, ladies. Helen, your hubby definitely sounds like a keeper. Hedo trips. Whew.
Keep up the good work, both of you.
Holy Cripes! I had to wipe the fog from my glasses!! LOL That was a great scene!
Great interview, Catherine and Helen!
The droning sound you hear is my fan. I'm a bit overheated.
I'll need to lower the AC to finish the book!
Catherine congratulations on all the reviews and personal accomplishments. You are adorable in your videos, so cute.
And they teach me something, which I can always use. Thanks for the help, you know you rock.
And Helen, what can I say, you are a breath of fresh air with a sexy twinge to it!
I thought I was warm before I read that excerpt! Wow! Well done, Helen.
Great interview, Catherine!
Sorry I didn't make it back here today, ladies, but many thanks to all of you for stopping by, and of course to Catherine again for her hospitality!
LOL I'm with you on the hurry up and wait, Helen!
And I love the except! Hot!!
This was a good interview. Not only does your work sound unique, but you sound like a great person. -Laura H.
So nice to sit and peruse my favorites and find you both on each other's blogs.
Great interview and excerpt, Helen and Catherine!
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