Today I'm interviewing fellow Scarlet Author and friend, Eliza March. So sit back, wet your lips, and sink your eyes into this yummy new erotic book.
Ailsa Jackson is finished dating executives. She’s looking for hot sexual fantasies—“all muscle, stamina and no commitment.” When assigned to interview an American CEO, Colin Fitzgerald, who recently inherited lands and a title in Scotland, she tosses her inhibitions aside to research all the old myths about brawny Highlanders and answer the old burning question—what is under a Scotsman’s kilt?
Exclusive Excerpt for Catherine’s BLOG:
“So ye don’t mind a man in a skirt, hey?”
The expression on his face turned predatory as he moved into her personal space. She felt like Little Red Riding Hood had come upon the very big, very bad Wolf, and she so wanted him to eat her. As far as she was concerned, he could have her all he wanted. The silence between them was charged with sexual tension.
“You look...ah, great.” Ailsa’s gaze took him in again. She’d have to settle for great. Any other term would just be insufficient. Yet great almost seemed an inadequate description under the circumstances.
Vocalizing her true feelings—terrific, yummy, fantastic—might be a tip off about her fascination with him and his kilt. She decided to hold it there. Anything other than great would be over the top. No sense scaring the hell out of the first man she encountered in Scotland.
She certainly couldn’t ask the question she longed to ask or lift his kilt and satisfy her curiosity.
He frowned and tilted his chin to one side, puzzled by her perusal.
She tried to explain. “Don’t get me wrong. I was surprised to see the native dress. You know...the kilt and all. Sorry, I’m babbling. I didn’t know kilts were daily attire.”
“Do ye have something against kilts, then?”
“Oh, no! Absolutely nothing. I actually have a certain proclivity for men in kilts.”
The only thing she wanted against his kilt was her body. From the rising action going on under the sporran, she imagined he’d meet her sexual requirements, and then some. How well would he fill her? Her inner muscles clenched at the mental image.
His eyes narrowed and his nostrils flared. “Do you, now?” Colin suppressed the smile on his lips, but it crept into his eyes.
She played with fire, boldly flirting with him, “Yes, I do.” She lifted her chin defiantly and let her smile say try me.
His eyebrows twitched as he shifted, brushing his body against hers. Ailsa didn’t back up. Instead, she stood her ground against the car and looked straight up at him, batted her lashes, and ran her tongue across her lower lip, daring him.
He looked surprised, maybe even pleased with the challenge. She risked the question. “Is it true what they say about men in kilts?”
“I don’t know. What would they be saying?”
“Y-you, w-wear nothing beneath them?” The thought of sliding her hand up the back of his kilt, running her hands up his thick muscled thighs and caressing his firm rounded ass made her breathless, had her stuttering.
Colin stepped closer, putting both hands on the car roof, surrounding her. His gaze focused on her mouth. “Why don’t you find out for yourself, lass.” He leaned in, invading her space, and lowered his mouth, tasting her lips the way he’d wanted to for so, so long. He pressed his body against hers, wanting to bury himself between her thighs, but his damn sporran prevented him from feeling her mound when he tried to push his cock between her legs.
“You Highland men are big ones, aren’t you?” Her hands cupped his hips closer to his waist than his ass and kept him splayed against her. He smiled. The double entendre didn’t get past him.
“Move yer hands a bit lower and slide them under my plaid. Ye’ll be finding out the truth of the rumors fer yerself.” He wished she’d try. She’d find out just how little the men wore and exactly how big they got. The mystery could be solved and his immediate need satisfied, if only slightly, for the moment.
Okay... someone pass the ice cold water. Or maybe that should be wine! Verra, verra, hot, Eliza!
So tell me, how do you respond when someone says...
"Oh, you write THAT kind of book?"
Usually, I’m the one warning them off what I write. You’d be surprised how many people want to look open minded when you approach it like that.
I get several different responses, but since I’ve taken the wind from their sails, sticking their noses in the air isn’t one of them.
Ohhh great idea. I'll have to try that.
What are your goals as a writer?
My immediate goal is to finish revising my current book and move on to my next series, a paranormal epic that has been in the works for five years. I have two books finished and the third one started. I have an outline for six at the moments, but who knows where our characters lead us. There could be more.
My long term goal is to keep writing about characters my readers love and the adventures they get caught up in. As long as my characters keep showing up on the paper, I’ll keep telling their tales.
How many books do you read a month?
I probably read close to thirty a month, some for pleasure, some for work and some for research.
Do you have anything new in the works?
I have another erotic novella due out next month and another, which should be finished five minutes after this interview is over. LOL
Wow, do I feel like a slacker. Thirty books is a lot! Good for you.
Where can we find you?
Visit my website http://ElizaMarch.com or for more up-to-date rants stop by my blog at http://elizamarch.blogspot.com
Oh, and I’m on Facebook, but I’m warning you I don’t Twitter... Sorry, I’m too easily distracted.
Where can we find your books?
I write for The Wild Rose Press and Siren-Bookstrand
HOT HIGHLAND FLING is with The Wild Rose Press and my other two books, WITCH OF AIR AND FIRE and THE LION, THE LEOPARD, AND THE WOLF are available from Siren-Bookstrand.
FYI - I’m working on lengthening my books and shortening my titles.
I love the titles and can't wait to get my hands on a copy. Best of luck with your latest release, Eliza!
I've read Witch of Air and Fire. Twice, actually (as she says with a sheepish grin).
Really, I have an excuse! I blazed through it the first time because it was so good. Then I had to re-read a second time to make sure I didn't miss anything. :-)
Can't wait to read Hot Highland Fling. Great job, Eliza!!!!
You have an excuse, Rosemary. I read bits twice because I wanted to. lol Very hot! I'm looking forward to this one.
Hi Eliza and Catherine. Fun interview and very hot excerpt! Happy release day...wishing you much success! :)
Another kilted hottie? Gotta love those. I'm an author and fan of the Destination Pleasure series, and I'm looking forward to reading this one, Eliza!
And Cathy, happy release day! I'm heading over to pick up SM.
I love that excerpt too, Cari.
Hi Helen... Gee I wonder why you like that series? lol Thanks for the kudos on Soul Mate... Enjoy my she-wolf.
Hey, what a tease!
Sounds wonderful to me, Catherine grab her and take the book she has in her purse for me. I have to read it.
Okay, I'm better now, yes, I know hoe to order it. Thanks Catherine.
Hi Catherine and Eliza!
Great interview and smokin' excerpt! Lord knows, I love a man in a kilt!
Thanks for hosting me, Catherine and thank you to the rest of you for all your well wishes and high praises.
PS I'm honored to be in your presence, Helen. I read your books all the time.
Mary: LOL... Get your own... he's mine! I don't care what my teacher wrote on my report card... I DON'T share well with others!
Rachel: He does sound yummy, Rach.
Easy host, Eliza. I wish you tons and tons of sales.
I do love a man in a kilt. If there's a kilt on the cover, I'm all over it. I think I'll mosey on over to TWRP and download this story.
I can't believe you read 30 books in a month. Holy cow, woman!
Hi Eliza and Catherine,
I love a big Sottish man in a kilt. Love those Highlanders. i definitely will be reading about this hottie. :)Thanks for the blurb.
Carol L.
Oh geez, Eliza! You got me! I need to go and purchase this book promptly. I can't be left hanging like...well...like Ailsa pondering the mysterious girth of this kilted hottie!
Thanks Cat, for spotlighting Eliza. Great interview, ladies.
Off to buy the book. Ho! I think I was so distracted I don't remember. Is it available now???
Chiming in late, sorry! Eliza, I loved Hot Highland Fling. You certainly know your way around a good book and a kilt...lol.
Faith V. Smith
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