Okay... now that I have your attention, dirty girls...
As many of you know I write reviews. I do this for a couple of reasons. First... Can you say FREE BOOKS? Yeah, free as in zero, nada...nothing down... Great price if you ask me. The other reason I write reviews is for practice. When you write a review you need to summarize the book in a blurb type format. And when you do this over and over again, you get rather good at it.
Another reason to write reviews is this... When you have to put your feelings about a book down on paper, all of a sudden you realize how difficult it is to do this. So when the day comes that someone reviews your work, you'll really be able to appreciate what goes into the review. Some reviewers write better reviews than others... and dare I say some reviews are down right mean...
...and another thing... If you enjoyed a recent read it is always a good idea to , write a review and place it on the publishers site... Amazon... or simply send it to the author who may be have a right shit of a day and would love to hear that they made someone happy. So be an angel and write a review.
So tell me... have you ever written a review? What is the hardest part for you about writing a review?
Hi Catherine!
I have written a few reviews. It is nice to expand your experience with new genres and I have enjoyed doing it.
The hardest part for me has been reading a new genre and then not comparing it to the historical genre. I have had to step back and use a new set of criteria.
Nice pic of the sexy angel, BTW. ooo!
I have writen some reviews myself. I agree with Catherine that I hope I never become a reviewer that writes a nasty one, as it is uncalled for but there are those out there who really don't care who they hurt. I like to write them because it is good practice not only for writing but when I read the stories I look for things that work and don't.
Yes, I've had to write a few reviews from time to time in the line of work I do. I like to pick out what is good about a novel, rather than what I didn't like. I do read with a critical eye, but I don't like mean reviews either. And once the book is out there is no need to tear it apart. I admire you Cath for doing this. I don't particularly like reviewing, But I'll do it for a friend or if it's necessary for my job!
Hi Rachel and Ann...
When I was much younger.. and dare I say fit, I was an aerobics instructor... not because of the money... but because it MADE me go to the gym and workout... Reviews work the same way. As a writer we often forget to read the genre we write and I think in order to keep your finger on the pulse of the romantic community you need to see what others are doing.
And Ann... I will NEVER write a nasty review... I've read books I had to force myself to read...Long, horrid books... but I always find something consturctive to say. The actual review will tell what I thought was good, but the stars will reflect my over all feeling about the book.
Kaye... I like reviewing. I pick up books I never would have otherwise, and read writers I didn't know exsisted.
Lisa Kleypas... I know she's popular, but I never picked her up. Dakota Cassidy, Mary Burton, Candice Havens... and I had all but given up on Christina Dodd until her last book came in the mail.. ohh ya, ya... awesome.
The only probelm I have with reviewing is in that I have a hard time posting about a book I didn't particularly like. Why? Well, just because I don't like the story doesn't mean the next person won't. I've read quite a few reviews that have dissuaded me from purchasing certain books. Only to come to find later on that the book was totally for me.
Now praising a book--love it. I love reading and writing praising reviews is so much more fun!!
BTW, I ADORE Lisa Kleypas' novels!!
So true, Barbara! It's easy to praise a book you love. I will say things like: History lovers will enjoy this... or... Those who like the bedroom door closed will enjoy this..
or 'might' enjoy it more than I did.
It's hard to put things you don't like in a good light... but I'm getting better at it.
Catherine you're so right about why we should write reviews and let the author know. I've only ever written one, made a ridiculous spelling error and climbed into a hole with embarrasment. lol. I haven't crawled out yet!
*must try harder*
Hi Catherine! Yes, I've written reviews. I am happy to write one if I enjoyed a book. But I won't ever write a negative review. I don't want to put a fellow author through that. If I didn't enjoy a book, I just won't review it. And I agree with you, Catherine, you can always find something positive to say.
Love the angel photo...
You know Christina, If I let a little thing like spelling get in my way... I'd never right anything. LOL
I'm with ya, Hellen... no nasty. Considering what it takes to write, edit and publish a book. If for that reason alone the author deserves some kudos. Don't you think?
I write the odd review, but they're not my favorite thing to write. I blame school and having to review dreadfully dull books.
I've written reviews for PNR. I agree, it's great practice for writing blurbs. It's why I originally decided to become a reviewer. Of course, the free books were a plus. lol
When I write a review, I try to focus on what I liked about the story. I rarely find a book I absolutely couldn't finish. Of course, I'll rave about the stories I loved.
By the way, the angel picture is heavenly! lol
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