It works this way: 1) Link back to the person you received the award from, and 2) Nominate 10 bloggers who are deserving of this award. Paty was kind and said she didn't want to harass those she chose. Me, I live for harassment ;). That said, here are ten blogs I frequent often and enjoy immensely. Note: I visit and enjoy many other blogs, but these particular ones are updated regularly. Sit back, mix yourself a nice fresh lemonade, and take a peek at these entertaining blogs.
So here we go.
Thanks so much, Catherine! :D You're so sweet!!! I'm actually running out to lunch with my mom but I will post this I promise.
Well, I've been hit by others too! So I guess it's about time I hit back!
Thank you so much for the lemonade award, Catherine! It's a lovely bubbly one, isn't it!!
I didn't see this yesterday. (mad at self) I was offline and then when I came back on today you were under tons of email.
Thank you SO Much!
~ Aithne
(Copy image to my site? Don't want to get into trouble, but I've never recieved an award before. ;o)
p.s. Chapter three OSYTHE is going up this evening.
Thanks for playing along, Catherine!
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